Thursday, August 27, 2009

Manhattan 172943 Driver

vacation come to an end

So - with big steps now to go on holiday to a close. I must admit, I'm actually quite happy when everything gets back a regulated framework. The children are also on holiday at 6:00 on clock - sleep is so long anyway.

I'm looking forward to blogging regularly again when I'm finally back in my apartment in Vienna.

A pos per apartment: there, the children and I were not the last 2 months. Except for a couple of times to create order without kids. Where there would be room to play, cooking or eating actually still boxes stacked with material from the Kreathek. But I work on the new approach and

... psssst, much can be revealed: from mid / late September is also already a lot of interesting courses on scrapbooking and porcelain painting.

I greet you


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