Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Explicit Movie Scenes Film

The Postman would always bring such great things, I would have him well canoodle ^ _ ^

Good day to you all ^ _ ^!

Wooow, I'm looking forward just a branch off, now are sooo cool stuff came in the mail = D!
first highlight today:

Yay, I won Gamer Unity at the Little Big Planet 2 Contest! I've even got me so incredible, you can imagine probably not ^_^'.
As you noticed, sees the packaging of the game a bit strange, the answer is on the back:

Apparently Is this the version that usually get games editors for their review. I think now times ^ _ ^. Well, the main thing the game is on the disc, which I'll test later extensively ^ _ ~!
second highlight was then a turnover of DM, many thanks to Tanya and Olga! Inside were these red-hot, new products that will be available in KW10:

If gereviewt in the next few days, I'm looking forward to it =). At the shower sherbet schonmal I sniffed and it smells soooo delicious * _ *. 'm Looking forward to the shower early tomorrow XD.

-> Sack Girl-San


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