12 ................................ 12
Hello and welcome to my 12 in February ,......
Let's start with the morning reading and NEM pot of coffee ,......
the first child comes down the stairs with the comment "Mum ,.... here stinks!"
"stink no my child ,.... the smell, or smell ,.... but will not do!" O))
is angry right now ,..... is in the boots of child daughter the zipper broke, .. O ((..
would have but can really hold a few more weeks .... ...... menno
,...... nothing good is it even in this weather I have to get out ,.....
very stupid ,..... here it is no umbrella in the house!
one in the car (which unfortunately is the husband on the way) I have one at work, and how themselves are straight out is probably 2 in the school ,.... ....... Örk
but does not live without ,....
and becomes one ,..... ,, o)) beautiful pink!
met in the city by chance a girl friend and spontaneous drinking a nice latte, o)))
quickly scurried übern market and caught fresh colors ,..... taken
in the supermarket already purple bunny ,......
but not yet placed in the shopping cart!
how beautiful ,...... auf'm in our yard which just had to! O))
and these are my works from last night ,......
the instructions I got from here click
and my son has nearly died laughing as I had before the lap-top sitting almost the finger 've knotted! O)
I find them have become quite well ,..... and what was that?
practice makes perfect ..* g *..
a further 12 can be seen here ... "click". ...
I wish you all a beautiful Saturday ,......
love and greetings
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