Monday, February 28, 2011

Plating Home Made Trailer

sooooo many heroes in the country ,....... Blogger

In soooo many blogs to read it since yesterday ,...... and I'm really excited as many here ,...... offer your help A great wave of giants
Helpful Creates sweeping through the country ,....... and bloggers can all grow together somehow ,.....
and I think it is no matter whether you sold something ,.... or busy bidding on the auctioned items and to acquire something ,.......

but read for yourself ,.....
(which I just copied from Yve )

The small, 2-year-old Lucas Tylla of Salem has leukemia (blood cancer).
Only a stem cell donation can save his life.
Lucas is urgently seeking a suitable donor.
Large Typiserungsaktion on Sunday, 27.02.11
clock of 10 - 16 clock in Salem.

In addition to any new typing and money donations enormously important, because any typing a new potential stem cell donor costs 50 €. The largely attributable to laboratory costs.
These costs are not covered by health insurance.

What has this got to do with me?

Salem, the place where Lucas grew up is about 25 km away from where I live.
I know his aunt by the fools guild and I want to help!

you can help ....

plan is a great charity auction to benefit

Who can join?
Everyone who has a blog

What has to be auctioned?
Handmade Lovely things

The auctions will run from Sunday 27.02.11 up to and including Friday 04:03:11

looks at times but please Yve in the blog over there you will find a huge list with all the
in the action involved competent!

I find this great action ,...... and have already made strong bids ,.....
I sincerely hope that the effort is worthwhile for all involved defendants ,.......
and a lot of it comes around so that the small ,...... Luke, and perhaps others can be helped!

check out all the great activities to all and offers strong with!



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